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 パウロはこのような問題について、「キリストの再臨が近いのだから、もはや働く必要などないのだ」という者達に対しては「あなたがたに命じておいたように、つとめて落ち着いた生活をし、自分の仕事に身をいれ、手ずから働きなさい」(テサロニケ第一の手紙4章11節)と彼らを諭し、既に亡くなっている愛する者達に対して悲しみをいだいている者達には「13 兄弟たちよ。眠っている人々については、無知でいてもらいたくない。望みを持たない外の人々のように、あなたがたが悲しむことのないためである。14 わたしたちが信じているように、イエスが死んで復活されたからには、同様に神はイエスにあって眠っている人々をも、イエスと一緒に導き出して下さるであろう」(テサロニケ第一の手紙4章13節-14節)と彼らを励ましたのです。






 エペソ4章7節-10節においてパウロはこう書きました「7しかし、キリストから賜わる賜物のはかりに従って、わたしたちひとりびとりに、恵みが与えられている。8 そこで、こう言われている、「彼は高いところに上った時、とりこを捕えて引き行き、人々に賜物を分け与えた」。9 さて「上った」と言う以上、また地下の低い底にも降りてこられたわけではないか。10降りてこられた者自身は、同時に、あらゆるものに満ちるために、もろもろの天の上にまで上られたかたなのである」。


 18 キリストも、あなたがたを神に近づけようとして、自らは義なるかたであるのに、不義なる人々のために、ひとたび罪のゆえに死なれた。ただし、肉においては殺されたが、霊においては生かされたのである。19 こうして、彼は獄に捕われている霊どものところに下って行き、宣べ伝えることをされた。20 これらの霊というのは、むかしノアの箱舟が造られていた間、神が寛容をもって待っておられたのに従わなかった者どものことである。その箱舟に乗り込み、水を経て救われたのは、わずかに八名だけであった(ペテロ第一の手紙3章18節-19節)。




 19 ある金持がいた。彼は紫の衣や細布を着て、毎日ぜいたくに遊び暮していた。20 ところが、ラザロという貧乏人が全身でき物でおおわれて、この金持の玄関の前にすわり、21 その食卓から落ちるもので飢えをしのごうと望んでいた。その上、犬がきて彼のでき物をなめていた。22 この貧乏人がついに死に、御使たちに連れられてアブラハムのふところに送られた。金持も死んで葬られた。23 そして黄泉にいて苦しみながら、目をあげると、アブラハムとそのふところにいるラザロとが、はるかに見えた。24 そこで声をあげて言った、『父、アブラハムよ、わたしをあわれんでください。ラザロをおつかわしになって、その指先を水でぬらし、わたしの舌を冷やさせてください。わたしはこの火炎の中で苦しみもだえています』。25 アブラハムが言った、『子よ、思い出すがよい。あなたは生前よいものを受け、ラザロの方は悪いものを受けた。しかし今ここでは、彼は慰められ、あなたは苦しみもだえている。26 そればかりか、わたしたちとあなたがたとの間には大きな淵がおいてあって、こちらからあなたがたの方へ渡ろうと思ってもできないし、そちらからわたしたちの方へ越えて来ることもできない』。





 27そこで金持が言った、『父よ、ではお願いします。わたしの父の家へラザロをつかわしてください。28わたしに五人の兄弟がいますので、こんな苦しい所へ来ることがないように、彼らに警告していただきたいのです』。29 アブラハムは言った、『彼らにはモーセと預言者とがある。それに聞くがよかろう』。30金持が言った、『いえいえ、父アブラハムよ、もし死人の中からだれかが兄弟たちのところへ行ってくれましたら、彼らは悔い改めるでしょう』。31 アブラハムは言った、『もし彼らがモーセと預言者とに耳を傾けないなら、死人の中からよみがえってくる者があっても、彼らはその勧めを聞き入れはしないであろう』」(ルカ16章19節-31節)。











Thessalonians: "What Happens After We Die?"

16, 2013

and the following Sunday, we will learn from the two letters Paul wrote to the
church of Thessalonica. The common theme of these two letters is the Second
Coming of Christ. For most of us, the term "Second Coming" is rarely
used in our daily life, and there may be some of you who heard it for the first
time today. The Second Coming literally means the second time Jesus Christ is
coming to this world, and it is one of the most important promises given to us
in Scriptures.

his life Paul is known to have made three missionary journeys and on his second
journey he went to Thessalonica, the city he addressed these letters to and
where he preached the Good News on three Sabbath days, after which many became
believers (Acts 17:1-4). But some of the Jews who were there became jealous and
started a riot, so Paul and his group escaped to a city called Berea. And as
they were preaching in Berea, the same ones who started the riot in Thessalonica
came to Berea to disrupt their mission.

it is not widely known, this letter to the Thessalonians was written between
A.D.50 to A.D.51 and is said to be the earliest written book of the twenty
seven books in the New Testament. It was written a little over ten years after
Jesus ascended to heaven. So at the time this letter was written, there were
still many people who remembered eating with Jesus and having a conversation
with Him in person. Jesus' words and actions were still fresh in the people's
minds at the time and knowing this may lead us to think that Paul succeeded in
his mission with great efficiency. But as we see in the letters he had written,
his missionary journeys were far from being smooth. In some parts of the
letters we can see Paul being overwhelmed with grief, and even as he poured his
heart out to tell the people of the Gospel, there were few who listened to him
and instead he was repeatedly threatened and attacked by them.

was concerned for the church in Thessalonica so he sent his disciple Timothy
there(1Thessalonians 3:2) and afterwards heard a report on them. The report was
a mix of good news, sad news, and various concerns, but the thing that alarmed
Paul the most was that the people of Thessalonica misunderstood Paul's
teachings on the Second Coming and they believed they no longer needed to work
because Christ was to return soon, and there were some who were mourning
because they thought their loved ones who have already passed on will be left
out when Christ returns.

had to deal with this problem, and to those who said "there is no need for
us to work for the return of Christ is near" he responded by saying
"make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own
business and work with your hands, just as we told you" (1 Thess. 4:11),
and he comforted those who were mourning by saying "13 Brothers and
sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so
that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. 14 For we
believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring
with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him"(1Thess. 4:13-14).

this we can see that these problems in the church of Thessalonica were related
to their concerns about the Second Coming, and these concerns stemmed from the
question we as humans have struggled with throughout history, the question of
what will happen to us after we die.

this world there are many who speak presumptuously about the afterlife by citing
words from the Bible and various religious texts. There are those who appear on
TV programs and say convincing things about the afterworld. We must be careful
not to confuse what the Bible says of the afterlife with somebody's own
opinions or ideas. So as we focus on these two letters to the Thessalonians
which deal with the return of Christ, I hope that we can first confirm and get
an idea of what Scripture says about what awaits us after death and on the
following Sunday learn about the Second Coming of Christ.

today, we will first see what the Bible says about the realm of the dead called
Sheol in Hebrew and what is referred to in most English Bibles as "the
grave". In the times of the Old Testament before Christ came, everyone who
died went to this place of the dead regardless of their beliefs. When Jacob,
the third patriarch of the Israelites, heard that his son Joseph have died, he
wept and said "I will continue to mourn until I join my son in the
grave"(Genesis 37:35). When David felt his life was in danger he said
"I am overwhelmed with troubles and my life draws near to death("the
grave" in KJV)" (Psalm 88:3). David, like Jacob, knew that he was
going to this place after he died. And this was not only for Jacob or David, but
as we see in Psalm 89:48 which says "Who can live and not see death, or
who can escape the power of the grave?", every human being who died before
Christ in the time of the Old Testament died and descended into this place.

before we go any further let us take note of this. The Bible tells us about
this "realm of the dead" or "Hades" in Greek and another
place called "Gehenna" which is the Greek word for "Hell".
There are various opinions even within Christianity on whether to distinguish
Hades and Gehenna or to see them as one and the same. We won't get into detail
on this subject today but please keep this in mind as we go along.

Sunday we say the Apostles' Creed. In the Apostles' Creed there is an
intriguing passage where it says Jesus Christ was "crucified, dead and
buried; He descended into hell(alt. translation "to the dead"); The
third day He rose again from the dead…". The Apostles' Creed, which is
our confession of faith, says that after Jesus was crucified and His life was
taken away from the flesh, He descended into the place where all of those who
died during the time of the Old Testament were, before He rose again on the
third day. So on what basis does the Apostles' Creed say this?

Paul explains in Ephesians 4:7-10: "But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. This is why it says: “When he ascended on high, he took many
captives and gave gifts to his people.” What does
“he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions? 10 He who
descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill
the whole universe.)"

Here it says "When he ascended on high, he took
many captives and gave gifts to his people". This means that after His
death on the cross, Jesus went to the realm of the dead where Jacob, Joseph,
David, and all the other saints of the Old Testament have been  prisoners of death and He took them with Him to
a certain place. Peter explains further on this: "18 For Christ
also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put
to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. 19 After being made alive, he went and
made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits— 20 to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days
of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a
few people, eight in all, were saved through water,…". (1 Peter 3:18-20)

is saying here that after Jesus was crucified and descended to the dead, He
made a proclamation of His salvation to the people who died in the flood during
Noah's time who were too stubborn to get on board the Ark. Because of this
passage there are some who believe that even if a person dies without faith in
Christ, God will give them a second chance to repent in the afterlife, and
there are varying opinions within Christianity on this topic. What we know for
sure is that it is impossible for us to have a complete understanding of the
world beyond as long as we are alive in this world, so instead what we could do
is pray for those who have passed on without accepting Christ with our hope and
trust in God, to our Lord who has revealed Himself as a compassionate and
loving God.

where did Jesus ascend to with the saints of the Old Testament? Do you remember
the men who were on the right and left of Jesus when He was on the cross? They
were the two criminals who, like Jesus, had their hands and feet nailed and
were crucified. One of the criminals said to Jesus: "Jesus, remember me
when you come into your kingdom"(Luke 23:42). To this criminal who was on
the brink of death, Jesus said "Truly I tell you, today you will be with
me in paradise"(Luke 23:43).

this moment, Jesus revealed a place that was clearly different from the realm
of the dead and has never been mentioned in the Old Testament, a place called
"paradise". You probably know the answer by now; the saints who were
imprisoned below has been taken up to paradise by Christ who died and descended
to the dead. Perhaps there are some of you who have always felt that it was
unfair for the people of the Old Testament to have died without a chance to
know Christ and His salvation through the cross; I hope your questions have
been answered today. Also, by knowing this we can have a fuller understanding
of that parable of the rich man and Lazarus(Luke 16:19-26):

19 “There was a
rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every
day. 20 At his gate
was laid a beggar named
Lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing
to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 “The time came when the
beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also
died and was buried. 23 In Hades,
where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by
his side. 24 So he called
to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on
me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue,
because I am in agony in this fire.’ 25 “But Abraham
replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things,
while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26 And besides
all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those
who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to

There was a clear difference between the living conditions of Lazarus
and the rich man, but after they died things changed dramatically. The rich man
descended into Hades and he looked up and saw Abraham with Lazarus. The beggar
who was always begging at the gate of the rich man's house died and was now
with Abraham in paradise, while the rich man who owned this house and lived in
luxury everyday also died but he was now being tormented in Hades. This is one
of those parables that you could picture in your mind; here it says the rich
man looked up from Hades and saw Abraham and Lazarus far away in the distance. The
rich man's agony must have been so great when he said to Abraham "send
Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue". From
this we know that the place where he went was far from any of the comfort he
enjoyed in life.

A preacher once said that the rich man's torment in Hades represents
the thirst of his spirit that was caused by the deep regret and sorrow he felt
for the things he did while he was still alive. No one wishes to go to a place
where you must desperately ask for a drop of water to ease your agony; we all
would want to go to paradise instead of this place of torment.  And what this parable of Christ is telling us
today is that those who believe in salvation through Jesus' cross will go to
paradise, and those who reject God will go to this place of torment. And our
lesson on the afterlife does not end here, for next week we will go deeper as
we take a look at the Second Coming of Christ.

When speaking on the afterlife, we as Christians are often met by
critics who say we are intolerant or too dogmatic. The critics accuse us by saying
how self-serving we are for proclaiming that those who believe in Christ will
go to paradise and those who reject Him will not. But the truth is that this is
what the Bible, in which the beginning and the end of the world is written,
have been telling us for thousands of years and it has nothing to do with our
hopes and desires. For example, if we were to wish there were two Mt. Fuji's
instead of one, there would still only be one Mt. Fuji in the world and we can
do nothing to change this fact regardless of our feelings and wishes toward it.
In the same way, if we believe that the Bible is the word of God, we must
accept what it says about the afterlife and acknowledge that the world beyond
is not something that could be changed by our hopes and desires.

Now, let us see how the parable of the rich man and Lazarus ends;
this is how the story closes:

27 “He answered,
‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have
five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’ 29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have
Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’ 30 “‘No, father
Abraham,’ he said, ‘but
if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ 31 “He said to him, ‘If they do
not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if
someone rises from the dead.’” (Luke 16:27-31)

When the rich man heard that Lazarus cannot come over
to his side he accepted it. But he had one final wish. He wanted Lazarus to go
to family and warn his five brothers so they won't have to come to the place of
torment he was in.

But Abraham gave him an unexpected answer: "They have
Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to
them, they have already been
warned and told how to live by them".

The rich man persisted and said "father Abraham,
but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent". This man was
desperate. By any means he wanted his brothers to know the agony he was in. But
Abraham responded firmly: "If they do not listen to Moses and the
Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead".

In other words, this parable is telling us that if we
do not give heed to the Bible, the word of God, then even if a person who has
risen from the dead comes to warn us, we will still not listen. That is a
shocking statement. We may think we would listen if we were to be warned this
way. But maybe we don't know our selves enough, of how stubborn we humans could
be. In the Old Testament the history of God and the Israelites is recorded, and
this history is a record of their utter stubbornness toward God. If we have
this understanding of human nature, then we can understand how Paul's mission which
I mentioned earlier was filled with difficulties. Humans have made tremendous
technological advances. But the human heart has been the same since ancient
times. But the words of the Bible will never change. It will continue to give
us the same message that it's been giving us. And those who receive this
message will be blessed.

Today we learned about the realm of the dead, but did you know
that every Sunday we walk past a Bible passage that mentions this when we walk
into the sanctuary? The words are carved on the stone wall that is by the
stairs next to the entrance of the sanctuary. The words are from Matthew
chapter 16:18-19:

" on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. 19 I
will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and
whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in

Worldwide English
"On this rock I will build my church. The power of death will not
destroy it. 19 I will give you the keys to the
kingdom of heaven. What you tie on earth will be tied in heaven. What you set
free on earth will be set free in heaven."

What is written here is amazing when you think of
it. Jesus says here that He will build His church upon this rock which
proclaims "Jesus is Lord". And He said the power of death cannot
overcome His church. That means this church, our church cannot be overcome by
death! What's even more amazing that our Lord has given us the keys of the
kingdom of heaven. What we bind here on earth will be bound in heaven and what
we loose will be loosed in heaven. Brothers and sisters, the church is not a
place where perfect people gather. But Jesus has given this church of imperfect
people the keys to heaven and by this the church will not be overcome by death.
That is why we continue to stand for the mission that is given to the church by
our Lord.

Are there any of you who have been thinking about
death? Do you feel anxious and frightened at the thought of it? There maybe
some of you who have already made preparations for your will, memorial, burial.
But have you made preparations for the afterlife that is described in the
Bible? Is this not more important than all the other preparations we can make
in our life?

As I often say, the probability of this afterlife
being true or not is half and half, fifty percent. Is it not worthwhile to
consider that if we were to breathe our last breath, whether we would wake up
to see the place where the rich man was or the place where Lazarus went?

Jesus proclaimed that death will not overcome His
church and this is not because we have any strength on our own but it is solely
by God's grace and compassion towards us, and this cannot be given to us by any
group or institution of this world. Abraham said to the rich man, " between us
and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from
here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us". Between Hades and paradise there is a great
chasm that cannot be crossed. But thanks be to God that Jesus Christ has given
the church the mission to be a bridge over this great chasm. Every week we walk
by the words that proclaim this as we come to worship, so no matter what you
have or have not done in your life, please do not miss this amazing and very
important message from the Bible. Let us pray.

 Translated by Keita Machida

























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